lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014

Chapter 1-4

When I start to read this book was very interesting because it start with some mysteries. Throughout the first chapters of The Giver they presented all characters by having as a protagonist Jonas. Presenting Jonas family and that soon he would become 12. He was excited he was becoming 12 because he will receive his first assignment, but he didn’t know what was going to be about. The setting where the story took place seems to be perfect place where there are no thief’s, murderers and more. This setting is also describe as a setting with no mistakes and with no miss honored

“I apologize for inconveniencing my learning community “Asher ran through the standard apology rapidly, still catching his breath.

This quote makes me think a lot of the setting where the novel was going to be taking place. By this quote I could infer that the society were Jonas is living everyone is respected and need an apology because of a bad action they have done. Somehow, the community where Jonas lives have different rules as the real world where an apologize it’s only said when they have a huge and important problem or even when you hit someone without fault.  Definitely, I think the setting would affect the protagonist through the story since he is getting a big charge, being the Receiver of Memories. 

To conclude, these chapters have been amazing in which always keep me wanting to read more and more.  I think that because of the plot this story has in a future the book will begin to be better as we continue reading. I can predict that Jonas would get his assignment with honor; with all the intention to do it correct because according to the text he is very anxious. Every person when is nervous about knowing  something good will happen no matter if the job is difficult or easy but the first days they do it with effort. Many people throughout their projects start to get tired and they don’t put the same effort as the beginning but I think Jonas case is going to be different. 

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