During the
first week of school of the New Year we have find out interesting moments that
we never expected to happen. The community has a holiday that’s why Jonas was
walking on the street and here some shoots and kids laughing. He also sees his
friends Asher and Fiona in the population. Jonas and Asher fight because Jonas has
ruined the warfare game. Jonas gets mad about this situation because they didn't
know what they were playing they didn't even know that this was a real global
problem. Jonas ask The Giver who was the latest Receiver, her name was
Rosemary. Rosemary after all the pain memories The Giver has transmitted her,
she ask and pleased for a release. Jonas finally find out that a release was a
death. He find out that a release was a death because he see his father on a
videotape releasing a baby twin in a ceremony. After all, Jonas knew that his
father was lying to him. To sum up, the new Receiver of Memories angry takes
the decision to escape. He wants The Giver to go with him, but he didn't want
to because he wants to spend more time with her daughter, Rosemary.
“One of the children raised and
imaginary rifle and made an attempt to destroy him with a firing noise”
This part of the book makes me
think a lot of the real world. Jonas have all the right to ruin the game
because they didn’t know what they were playing, the only one that know about
what it is about is Jonas. He instantly relates to the memory of warfare The
Giver transmitted him that’s why he reacts like this. I can infer that Jonas
was very angry with everyone who was playing the game or seeing since warfare
is a real world issue in which now in days the world is suffering about this
situation. This quote also shows me that Jonas didn’t want them to play this
game because he doesn’t wants to have any relationship with a memory that has
been hidden. During my reading of these pages I knew Jonas after this situation
would start to take a decision to be released or something similar. After all,
Jonas never rebel the memory of warfare, he knew how to stay serene and focus
on his rules.
In this few
chapters there have been important events that had led to the escape Jonas and
The Giver planned. As Jonas is describing his plan it sounds great because he
even think of the role of The Giver. I can predict that Jonas planned would
finally be successful and that the community would lose sameness. The best part
of the story have been this one since in these few chapters have been the
latest events of the rising action that led to the turning point. To conclude,
I would like to keep reading the book because I want to know the final events
and what about the life of each character.