Roald Dahls profession is best for characterization than for imagery from my point of view, but not matter what, he would draw you an image in your mind. In this paragraph he uses very well imagery, here it is a great example:
In these few sentences he uses the more common senses that almost every writer dominates at all. Dahl uses the sight and the sound to describe how tall the coconut tree is and how leaves crackle as they were on fire. Now I can definitely make a picture in my head of how this Jamaican Beach looks like.
As I mentioned earlier, Roald does a great job describing different characters of the story. To demonstrate the audience why my way of thinking, here is a clear example:
Just then I noticed a small, oldish
man walking briskly around the edge of the pool. He was immaculately dressed in
a white suit and he walked very quickly with little bouncing strides, pushing
himself high up onto his toes with each step. He had on a large creamy Panama
hat, and he came bouncing along the side of the pool, looking at the people and
the chairs.
This paragraph was the greatest example of why Roald Dahl for me is better for characterization. In a not to long paragraph he describes even as how he walks. The audience by this quote can infer that this crazy sir is elegant because of his suit and his panama hat but also that he has money. To sum up, the author demonstrate the readers of how this oldish man is solvent thanks to his way of walking and looking to near people.
I think this short story leaves the audience a great message that all people should follow since it it our daily life and occurs all aorund the world. The message consist in not always trust other people because they can have other principles, way of thinking and this after all it can harm you. At first is your life and then it comes material things. To conclude, characterization and imagery is what makes the sotry interesting and also creates a desire of keeping reading.